Happy Birthday Linen!!!

Linen turns 2 years old today!

We are heading to town to meet-up with 3 other guide dogs for a lunch date. It will be an all day birthday celebration.

birthday hat

Today is my birthday! Linen in homemade birthday hat made from wrapping paper (thank you Sarah) and “cake” made of banana and two treats as candles.

The Past Month

Sorry for the long quiet stretch.  The past month has been filled with many “firsts” for Linen.

  • Our first solo trip to Starbucks and walking with a to-go drink down Main Street.  Hand gestures and treats were a bit problematic, but Linen rolled with it.
  • First haircut appointment.  He was a trooper once he figured out I was safe in the chair and that Audra wasn’t going to hurt me with the scissors.
  • First rides with Sheila, Dick, Ronnelle, Robert, Michael, Wendy, Bob, Bonnie, and aunt Juli’s cars.  (Thank you everyone for the safe and dry rides.)
  • First doggie lunch date with Mensa and Joleen.
  • First off-leash play date in our backyard with Bowie, Mike, and Robert

Laurie and Linen standing next the the bronze dog statue outside of the Walla Walla Starbucks.


Laurie enjoying the sunset and a glass of wine outside next to a gas firepit.


Laurie and Linen having lunch with their friends Joleen and Mensa. Laurie and Joleen on green couches while Linen and Mensa relax by their sides.

Click here for a video of Linen and Bowie running around the back yard!  —>  Linen and Bowie movie

Great Weekend!

We’ve had a great weekend in Walla Walla.  Campus was covered in snow later in the week and full of excitement.  We successfully navigated our way to work on multiple mornings; not letting the weather stop us!

Linen got to spend a short bit ‘solo’ with Linc in the car.  He also got to meet Oreo — although she wasn’t as interested in him as he was in her.  🙂  And then we found a local winery that has a wine they call Linen — needless to say, it’s our new favorite vino!

Laurie and Linen outside the office

Laurie on the left, center of the frame in her fancy pink coat. Linen in front of her checking out the snow.

Linen in the car

Linen in the passenger footwell of our car. He’s looking at Linc wondering when Laurie is coming back.

Linen and Oreo (the cat)

Linen on the right side of the frame watching our cat Oreo slowly wander off — she doesn’t seem to want anything to do with him yet.

Linen wine

We discovered that a local winery has a wine they call “Linen.” Two glasses surrounding a wine bottle labeled “Linen.”

Linen and Linen

Linen sitting next to his namesake wine bottle.

At the Office

We’ve been settling in both at home and at work.  New routines all around.

In addition the the warm welcome home, we received a very warm welcome at the office.  See the super-cute welcome card below.  Everyone there has been great — giving Linen the space he needs to adjust to this new environment and level of activity.

Linen has his own little cubby below my computer workstation and keeps an eye on things from there.

It started snowing on our second working walk to the office (see video link below).  Still snowing out there now!  I’ve got his boots and coat ready for the trek home.  This sure isn’t California?!?   cheers, Laurie & Linen

welcome card

Juli made this very, very cute welcome card. It has a little yellow construction-paper dog with big eyes and a GDB harness. The text of the card says, “Welcome back Laurie! Welcome to work Linden!”

Linen under desk

Linen is relaxing under Lauries desk. Corner desk with lots of space for a comfy dog bed.

Here’s an action-packed video of Linen working a residential street crossing on the way to the office.

click here –>  morning walk to work    Linen and Laurie navigating a street crossing in a residential area  on the way to campus.  Linen navigates the down-curb and up-curb with purpose and grace!

Team L&L posing for a shot in the snow outside of Memorial Hall on Whitman campus.

first snow

Linen and Laurie standing as it snows. Laurie in a pink jacket with Linen standing to her left with his slicker and harness.

Welcome Home!

Both a non-eventful and an eventful day for Laurie and Linen.  Non-eventful travel from San Rafael to Walla Walla.  The airline staff was amazingly accommodating and helpful the entire way.  The team’s first solo flight was pleasant and as non-stressful as could be hoped for.  An eventful day in the fact that Linen was seeing so many new things in just one day.  He rocked it.  We loaded up with Linc for the drive back to Walla Walla.  Linen quickly settled in for the 45-minute ride home from the Tri-Cities. 

Once we were home, we let him explore the house a bit (no, he didn’t find Oreo!) — and then we got right to work.  Linen hadn’t had as much exercise as usual, so we ventured off for a working walk — he did an amazing job.  Lots of “new” all around him — but he locked in like a machine as we started towards campus.  We made it a little over half way before deciding not to push it.  And it was a little chillier in Washington than it was in sunny California.

Then we settled in for a little “chill time” — just the three of us…  hoping Oreo would make an appearance, but she did not.  She’ll get it figured out – I’m guessing they’ll be snuggle buddies soon enough.      love, L&L&L

Linen in footwell

Linen in the car at Laurie’s feet. Laurie with a proud smile.

sleeping in car

Linen sleeping, with his chin on the edge of the car seat in Lauries lap.

walking on sidewalk

Laurie and Linen cruising down the sidewalk in our neighborhood. Walking away from the camera. Linen on harness on the left and Laurie taking long, comfortable strides on the right.


fireplace relaxing

Laurie sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, looking at Linen who is snoozing on his dog bed after a long day of travel.

fireplace sunggle

Laurie resting her head on Linen as he snoozes on his dog bed. Long travel day for both. Lots of new things for Linen. He’s earned a nap.

family photo

Our first family photo! Linen in the foreground on the left, Laurie smiling in the middle, and Linc grinning on the right.


On the Plane!

L and L on plane

Laurie is in the window seat. Linden is settled down by her feet for the plane ride home.

Settled in on our first plane ride together.  Linden really is a rock star! ⭐️ 

Headed Home!

Laurie and Linen back seat

Laurie and Linen sitting next to each other in the backseat of the ride to the airport.

We’re on the way to the San Francisco airport.  Excited and anxious for the big journey home!  We’ll be home in Walla Walla in a few hours!   cheers,  Laurie & Linen



Happy Graduation Day!

Good morning everyone!

Today’s the big day!  We’re so excited.  A lot of hard work, but every second of it has been wonderful.  A big “thank you” to all of you for your love and support as I start this new adventure.  

Here’s the link to the live-stream again — guidedogs.com/graduationlive — CA 974 — our graduation is scheduled for 1:30pm pacific time.  Sometimes they don’t start right on time, so don’t worry if it takes a few minutes for things to get rolling.  And the streams are recorded so you can view it later if you run into technical difficulties, this timing doesn’t fit into your day, or you just want to watch it again.  The ceremony includes information about the program and some comments from puppy-raisers and staff — it’s about an hour long.

Just a heads up – I’ve been wrestling with a tough head cold for the past week, so I may be in a mask and could sound a bit scratchy-throat.

We’ll be headed home tomorrow on a direct flight from San Francisco to the Tri-Cities.  Linc will be picking us up a bit after noon — so we should be settled back in Walla Walla to enjoy our Sunday afternoon and evening hanging out with Linc and Oreo.   xoxo, Laurie & Linen

Here’s a picture of Linen — freshly groomed and ready for graduation!

Linen groomed

Linen standing and looking back over his left shoulder.

…and another somersault for your view pleasure!  🙂  

click here –> Linen somersault

I just can’t get enough of these!

Watching the World

As tall as Linen seems, he does very well riding at my feet.  Great picture of him watching the world outside.

Linen car photo.

Linen in the front seat footwell of a car with Laurie. Looking out the window.

Happy Friday!!!

Hi everyone and Happy Friday!

Today is our big test day.  Think of it as finals for Doggo and Lolo (aka: Linen and Laurie).  We’ve got this!!!  We’re just going to nail it.  We’ve been practicing and practicing.  My mantra:  the things I’ve done wrong have taught me how to do them right.  And I know I’ve got the best teammate — Linen — there to keep us both on track.   He’s a rockstar for sure.

I had a great phone conversation with my puppy raisers last night.  They live in Thousand Oaks, California.  They are excited to come to graduation on Saturday.  (livestream 1:30pm, Saturday, Feb. 18 –> link ). They’re going to fly in and then afterwords fly to Seattle to visit another daughter’s home.  Linen is the first puppy they’ve raised that made it all the way through the program to be matched with a partner.  They’ve already got another puppy ‘in training.’  I can’t wait to see them in person and get to know them even more.    everyone have a great day,  Laurie

Linen on dog bed

Linen relaxing on his blue dog bed — wondering what adventure the day holds.

L and L on soaking in sun.

Linen laying on his side on some warm, sunny concrete. Laurie is scratching him and soaking in some vitamin D.